Thursday, March 31, 2011


мой папа придумал сюрпризы. я серьезно считаю, что именно он является изобретателем сюрпризов. я выросла в сюрпризах. каждое лето, когда мы возвращались из тбилиси в москву к школе, нас ожидал новый сюрприз: открываем дверь - новая детская, заходим в нашу 3комнатную квартиру, оказываемся в квартире с 5ью, не знаем, что такое компьютер - компьютер стоит на столе, новые игрушки, поездки 'завтра' на море, 'завтра-едем-кататься-на-лыжах', раз и дача, раз - беседка во дворе для посиделок с друзьями.

я так привыкла к сюрпризам, что никогда не могла себе представить жизнь без них. это же абсолютно нормально, жить сюрпризами. мы и сами всегда делаем сюрпризы... но знаете, что плохого во всем этом? по привычке ты всегда ото всех ждешь приятные сюрпризы. и бывает очень странно осознавать, что не всем они свойственны, некоторые вообще не знают, что это такое. они их не устраивают, и сами в них не нуждаются. и как тогда жить?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm amazed with the movie I saw yesterday. The old-style Disney cartoons are back! Tangled reminded me of Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Piter Pen: all the Disney Cartoons before-Pixar-came at the same time. It has the old style heroes, old style castles, old style music and fairy tale views.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Сегодня вышло солнце и я в очередной раз решила, что весна уже пришла и никуда больше не уйдет. Я очень люблю весну. Даже больше чем лето. Уже есть солнце, но не так жарко. Уже можно не надевать куртки, но не теряешь сознание от жары. Я почему-то ассоциирую весну с группой Крес. По цепочке в моей голове я пыталась понять почему. Может быть с весной у меня ассоциируется Питер, с Питером фильм Питер FM, а с фильмом песни Крес, которые в нем постоянно играют. Вообще весна делает с миром невообразимое, как кто-то когда-то сказал, когда приходит весна, мир становится ребенком, который знает стихи. Я смотрю на улицу, где светит солнце и чувствую себя именно так. Я знаю все стихи и у меня красивые фиолетовые солнечные очки.

Внизу маленький эпизод из фильма, который я очень люблю, и песня Cafe people

Твой профиль напомнит о чём-то нежном, но важном
Мой мир вспыхнет вдруг, как будто бумажный...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Today, tomorrow and forever

I want to talk about my school. The thought of it came to my mind yesterday, when I received a parcel from my classmate and one of my best friends Katya Butorina. In the parcel I found the T-shirt and DVD from our school's 20th anniversary, some funny presents and a greeting card with very sweet words in it.

My school was the best school in the world. And I mean it with all my heart. I honestly believe that school plays one of the biggest parts in the person future. 'Marina' gave me education, which I can boast: thank to my school I speak 3 languages fluently, I can talk to any person on any subject and I have three diplomas with distinction from the leading universities of the world. But the thing I treasure most is the friendship my school gave me. It gave me my closest friends, who are with me always and without whom my life wouldn't have been so fantastic. 'Marina' taught me how to love and dream and make those dreams come true. And it taught me that nothing is impossible.

I want my children to go to the same school I did, I want them to have the same happy childhood, true friends and memories which can never be forgotten.

I go to school
Every day as a rule
But why do I do so
Let me tell you.

Four walls and a roof
To cover my head,
Classrooms, teachers,
And books to be read.
But I'm looking for more, instead.

Knowledge will open my eyes,
Language will strengthen my ties,
Laughter will brighten my day,
Friendship will lighten my way.

I'm young, I'm happy.
Special and free.
School "Marina" that is for me
It's a tie
That connected us together
Today, tomorrow and forever.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

dancing dancing

Continuing the movie theme, I want to remember the movie I truly love - Dirty Dancing 2. Havana Nights. It has fantastic soundtrack and it has such a great cuban spirit that makes you want to go there the same minute you play the dvd. Everyone's dancing in the streets, clubs, on the beach. Music is everywhere and it is breathtaking. Havana is a city that lives under the sun, no, not lives, that dances under the sun. I think that music is in the blood of cubans and probably, it is the only thing they need to be happy. I believe that if such music was in every country of the world, it would be much easier and happier to live. And the solar system would have one bouncing planet in it :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

last night

I saw the trailer of 'Last Night' in Paris, but the movie was not on yet. I didn't want to see it in my laptop, I wanted to see it in a cinema, but here in Tbilisi, you don't get to see all the great movies on big screen. So, one day, I sat with my computer and watched it alone. And that's good I did. You don't need to watch such movies with your boyfriend/partner/husband. There are so many things you like about this movie: the screenplay, dialogs, thoughts, new york, music ... not to mention Guillaume Canet, who for me personally could have been the only reason to watch it.

This is the sort of movie I would watch several times. 'It's weird: you wake up in the morning and have no idea how the day will end'.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Я хочу посвятить этот пост Москве. Городу, в котором я выросла, и который является моим городом во всех отношениях. Я не знаю, кого там сейчас вытесняют, какие национальности не любят. За те 17 лет, которые я там жила, я никогда не встречалась ни с каким видом вытеснения.

А Москва мне вспомнилась сегодня из-за 8 марта. Я обожаю быть в Москве 8 марта. Весь город утопает в цветах, все люди на улицах держат букеты, все идут счастливые.

В Москве мои друзья, мой дом, мои рестораны, кино, моя улица, моя остановка. И я часто скучаю по своей жизни в Москве. У каждого человека есть свое любимое место в Москве. Для меня это Тверская. Я обожаю Тверскую: когда спускаешься пешком до Охотного ряда зимой, вечером, все бегут с работы домой, а я никуда не спешу, у меня играет музыка в ушах, идет снег, мне не холодно. Я открываю рот и ем снежинки :) Я люблю Малую Бронную, в ее уютном Cafe Cafe мы собираемся с девочками и говорим много и долго. Я люблю Горизонт - первый кинотеатр, в который мы ходили со школы. Я люблю ехать по ночной Москве. Я люблю кофемани'евский лимонад и карамболь и сидеть там после работы и смеяться над историями Сончика. И смотреть на снег из окна. Я скучаю по красивому падающему снегу. И по друзьям очень...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

stomach butterflying love

Some time ago I was thinking of writing a post on love, but couldn't get the right words to express all my thoughts on that subject. I still haven't found the words but it is always fine to try.

Years ago, I used to wonder how love feels like. The closest thing to it I found was music. I believed that when a person was in love, he felt as good as he did on suddenly hearing a great song, which would make all the butterflies jump and fly all around the stomach bumping into each other and multiplying. That is what used to happen in my stomach when one of those 'butterfly-bringing' songs started in my iPod. Romance has never been my type of thing, and I loved to repeat it all the time. But honestly speaking, the ones who say they never drink, are the biggest alcoholics. Just the same way turned out the situation with me and romance. And butterflies began to appear with songs, beautiful views, sunsets, friends, romantic stories, movies, books. 

But when love came, I could tell it straightaway. It was not the expected one, nor was it crazy-crazy. It just felt so good. Happy and good. The butterflies were there too. But different kind of butterflies. I guess they had different colour.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

[ˈvilnʲus] - first impressions.

I have always imagined Vilnius to look like Prague, don't know why, but when you hear of a city you have never been to, you always seem to imagine it. I thought it was a very narrow-streeted, small-housed, old-european style city.

But I was completely wrong. When I arrived in Vilnius, the first impression of the city started upon meeting the passport control lady. She asked me million of questions. Believe me nowhere in other countries I have been to (and I've been to quite a lot of places) was the passport control so strict, unfriendly and aggressive. My answer on the question why I arrived in Vilnius (tourism) didn't seem to satisfy the lady. She repeated the question three times, wondering why would I go to Vilnius for tourism. She wanted to see my return ticket, cash, credit cards, rings and earrings a wore :) Thank God, she didn't ask me to show what kind of underwear I was wearing. :))

Having escaped from the lady, I finally managed to get out of the airport to see a small city, with soviet architecture, reminding me of the outskirts of Moscow (city I have lived 20 years in). On the bright side, not to disappoint my Lithuanian readers, I should say that I really liked the central street in the old city. And maybe I just need few more days to walk around and get the spirit.

There are different cities, the cities 'that never sleep' are the ones I love. Vilnius is definitely a city for other type of people.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

airport thoughts

Does anyone of you stand in the huge line to get into the plane? I mean when you're done with the check-in, passport control, x-ray, and get into the hall waiting for the gate to open. Out of 100 people 90 always stand in a line. Why won't you sit and wait till it is open? Well there is no way they will leave you behind.

This is the picture I see now in front of me. Heading to Vilnius, I am observing the scene of most of the passengers in a line with their hand luggages, queuing.

Will be back online from the capital of Lithuania.