Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Я потихоньку знакомлю вас с моими друзьями, без которых я бы не была собой и без которых я бы просто не смогла жить. Сегодня я хочу познакомить вас с Марикой. Я долго начинала это предложение, стирала по нескольку раз, я просто не знала с какого ее качества следует начать. У нее их такое ненормальное множество, и один важнее другого. Единственное я знаю точно, нет ничего на свете, что она бы не смогла сделать для друга. Если вам повезло быть в числе ее друзей, вы можете быть спокойны - вы больше не один. Надо будет прыгнуть за вами в окно, она прыгнет с двумя парашутами, в воздухе откроет их, догонет, наденет на вас и мирно спустит на землю :)

Это не говоря уже о ее оптимизме, всегда хорошем настроении и самом заразительном смехе на свете. Она не делает проблемы не из чего, ведь все всегда будет замечательно, и как она часто повторяет (хоть разбуди ее в 4 утра, она скажет это первым делом) -
жизнь прекрасна.

could you be the most beautiful girl in the world

I fell in love with this Prince song when I first heard it thanks to my friend and future bridesmaid Lako (with whom I always associate 'Could you be..'). I have all the positive things coming up in my head when I listen to it, the most positive being Bachi standing in front of my hotel in Chaqvi in summer'09 and singing this song to me at 4 am in the morning :)

And when somebody tells you 'you're the reason that God made a girl', you just melt down.

Monday, May 30, 2011

wake up or bancrupt

Going back to the creative ideas, I just loved the new 'wake-up-or-start-your-day-sobbing-the-money-shredding-alarm-clock'. This should definitely be my alarm clock, but unfortunately, I would lose all the money in few months, and my salary would all be shredded in there.

Work for alarm would be the new life-formula for me ;)


Today I'm sharing with you DesigNose. My friend found this website, and I loved its ideas and designs.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


peony is an amazing flower. it has never been one of my favourites, but today joined the list thanks to my sister who bought them for me. its colour is so springy.

Today was a nice day. Actually all the latest weekends are. Maybe because of the sun and the weather which gives you fantastic mood. And maybe because my niece is part of those weekends. Today she cooked chocolate brownies for us and also made strawberry cream. Here are some pictures from the process:

And this day is ending pretty well: a great final is about to start and Barcelona is about to win :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

интересные факты

Интересные факты, которые я нашла у одного своего друга на fb. Я поделюсь ими с вами:
  • Скорость распространения молнии такова, что она может за секунду обежать Землю восемь раз.
  • Мужчина во время сердечного приступа пытается выйти на свежий воздух. Женщины — стараются попасть в дамскую комнату.
  • Фрейд предложил своим пациентам ложиться на кушетку потому, что боялся смотреть людям в глаза.
  • В экваториальном государстве ваш вес уменьшится приблизительно на 150-200 грамм из-за влияния центробежной силы вращения Земли
  • В молодости Элвис Пресли работал в автотранспортной компании, которая принадлежала Фрэнку Синатре
  • В зимний период Эйфелева башня сжимается на 15 сантиметров
  • 85% киноактеров зарабатывают всего около 5000 долларов в год.
  • Мэром города Шарон в Висконсине, США, является кот Фредди
  • Скотч делает прозрачным матовое стекло
  • Если акула поплывет вверх ногами, она может впасть в кому
  • Самое шумное существо в океане — это креветка
  • С 1898 по 1910 год героин продавался как замена морфина и лекарство от кашля для детей
  • Овцы могут узнавать друг друга на фотографиях
  • В Мемфисе, штат Теннесси, США, специальный закон запрещает лягушкам квакать после 11 часов вечера
  • У вас не получится сложить бумагу пополам более 7 раз
  • Когда самолет развивает скорость 1000 км/ч, то его длина сокращается на один сантиметр односительно его же длины в состоянии покоя.
  • К чаю человек привыкает быстрее, чем к героину.
  • В американском университете Occidental College преподают глупость (Stupidity
  • Майкрософт угрожала судебным иском 17-летнему Майку Роу из-за того, что он зарегистрировал домен MikeRoweSoft.com
  • В Китае закон разрешает поступать в университет только «умственно развитым людям»
  • Продолжительность одного «года» на Плутоне — 247,7 земных лет
  • Вам потребуется около 1000 лет, чтобы посмотреть все видео на YouTube.
  • Из 1 грамма золота можно вытянуть проволоку длиной 3,5 километра.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

the legend of 1900

I can talk about this film forever. Or I can not. It is hard to put in words all the emotions this film gives you. This story of a person who is born, lives and dies on a boat; who loves and feels everything around him through music; touches deep down in your heart.

First before watching the movie itself, I saw an extract from it: 'Playing love', where 1900 plays his feelings to a young unknown lady he sees through the window. I was in love with this scene, but then I fell in love with the whole movie. Tornatore is amazing, he can make you feel all sort of things throughout the film. He shows the scenes the way that you want to cry or laugh, or both at the same time. And you want to hear and hear all the music over and over again.

This story is unbelievable, fiction, but you feel that you are there and you feel sorry for 1900. And you feel you want him to live longer, to live through the happiness and sadness of life. You want him to see more than just a boat, to have more things to feel through his music. And how bad you want to help him!

I know it's just a movie, but the depth and way it touches you, is simply great.

Feed your eyes

There is an amazing website that my friend shared with me. FoodGawker. It is a collection of fantastic recipes from all the food-blogs across the web.  It has great recipes, great photos and explanations. In a search field, I wrote 'rainbow' and all the recipes that followed are below. Feed your eyes ;)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

my dream room

This is my dream-library, dream-room, dream-colours.
Everything except the dog :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Strawberry Cake

This won't be an 'I-want-a-strawberry-cake' post. Nor will it be 'please-someone-send-me-a-piece-of-strawberry-cake-to-the-office'. And you know why?

Because I have an amazing colleague, who actually bakes fantastic stuff and shares with us at work. So there I was today, eating strawberry cake at work and feeling great.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

a sunny post

this will be a very sunny post. and that's because it was a very sunny day with very sunny friends.

my day started with the best thing - my friend from the US arrived in Tbilisi, and i picked her up and we went for a lunch to my favourite cafe. there we had very nice food and sunny lemonade, and ice creams. ice cream was the topic of the day, since we had some more of it because of my little niece, who adores it.

our day became more sunny when we went to the paintings market, the most positive place in whole tbilisi.

when you are surrounded by absolutely amazing paintings and painters, wander through them and find a bright one, the one your soul tells you 'to must have' at home, the day is definitely becoming more sunny.

now this fantastic painting is in my apartment, and will brighten my day every time i'll have a look at it.

ps. and yes, i have used the word 'sunny' 7 times in this post.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I stopped watching the Eurovision contest several years ago, when I realized that it was just a political show, or no, when I realized there were no songs to listen to. The songs were all the same and you couldn't get the difference between them. And honestly it was impossible to like them.

Neither did I watch the show this year. But wandering through YouTube, I decided to have a look at the video of the winners, about whom I'm not going to speak now. I will write about the second place. I saw the performance of Raphael Gualazzi and didn't go down the list anymore. It was a total surprise for me. How did it get to the Eurovision and why did it?? This guy is absolutely amazing. And it isn't just about my special connection with Italy and la lingua italiana, sax and piano. It is about the song and performance itself.

It's too bad YouTube doesn't have a repeat button!

and then i feel happy

I've been really busy these days, trying to figure out everything at work with new bottle presentation, new video clip shooting, new zillion stuff. And when I get really crazy and my head is about to fall down I open this picture and stare at it.


I stare at it with a soundtrack to this picture that isn't French at all, which would be more logical. But how can I think of logic, when I can't think about anything anymore? ;)


And then I feel HAPPY

Monday, May 16, 2011

magic all around

Last Friday I was listening to music from Disney Cartoons, and watching them on youtube and, God, how beautiful all those cartoons are! And how fantastic they make you feel! The colours, the music and the magic.

There is a lady, Tamta Tskhvitava, that I am a serious fan of. She sings in Tbilisi, in various places: cafes, halls, restaurants. And she has an absolutely amazing voice. When you listen to her and close your eyes, you can feel the magic of the cartoons, that you are there dancing with the prince and the stars are flying all around you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the dancing queen

Martha Graham was an American dancer & choreographer of modern dance, whose influence on dance has been compared with the influence Stravinsky had on music, Picasso had on the visual arts, or Frank Lloyd Wright had on architecture. This is how Wikipedia describes her. I honestly didn't know much about Martha, till I saw the Google home page today. The screenshot of it you can see below. Or go to Google itself to check the animation.
Here is the link to 'A Dancer's World' from the 'Martha Graham in Performance'. And also are the quotes she said, which I think are great:

Our arms start from the back because they were once wings. 

Dance is the hidden language of the soul.  

Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion. 

No artist is ahead of his time. He is his time. It is just that the others are behind the time.  

Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Heineken 'victims'

This is so far the best commercial/marketing idea I have ever seen. This is what all the companies need, a great idea which will make the whole world talk.

Moi je joue by Sofia Coppola


Brigitte Bardot - Moi je joue

Moi je joue
Moi je joue à joue contre joue
Je veux jouer à joue contre vous
Mais vous, le voulez-vous?
De tout coeur
Je veux gagner ce coeur à coeur
Vous connaissez mon jeu par coeur
Alors défendez-vous

Sans tricher, je vous le promets
J'ai gagné, tant pis c'est bien fait
Vous êtes mon jouet
A présent, ce ne sera plus vous mais toi
Et tu feras ca t'apprendra
N'importe quoi pour moi

Sans m'en faire, je vais t'assurer
Un enfer de griffes et de crocs
Tu crieras bientot "Au secours"
Alors décidant de ton sort
Pour m'éviter quelques remords
Je t'aimerai plus fort
Oh oui plus fort
Oh oui oui oui, plus fort
Oh la la...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ჩემი катюша

ეს არის ჩემი კატო, გაიცანით. სინამდვილეში, კატო ჩემი დის ნათლულია, მაგრამ მე ვთვლი რომ ის ჩემი ნათლულიცაა. იცით როგორ ლაპარაკობს კატო? ატრიალებს უკუღმა სიტყვებს. კაბას მაგივრად ამბობს 'ბაკა', ჭიპის მაგივრად 'პიჭი', ჯიბეს მაგივრად 'ბიჯე'.

და ყველაზე საყვარლად მეუბნება რომ ვუყვარვარ. ნინი მიკაკი :))

Monday, May 2, 2011