i don't know if you remember a song which was very popular last decade. 'i'm a big big girl in a big big world' was heard from every loudspeaker at every party in my school. some years from then i liked a singer who had very beautiful voice and songs - Emilia Mitiku. only some time later i realized that it was her performing that old song at my school parties but just with her first name. she has grown up, added her father's last name to Emilia and began performing some wonderful quality music.
try these songs, maybe you will like them just as i do.
my friend's words today inspired me to write a post about conscience. some of you who know me, also know that i am quite a religious person. there are many things that a church teaches us but i want write about one of its thoughts about conscience, which i like to interpret in my own way.
we all do different stuff, sometimes good, sometimes bad. sometimes intentionally and very often unintentionally. there are also different kinds of people, those who are more conscious and those who are less. to the first group of people i attribute those who always think they are right. who think that they have 100 per cent truth and who's conscious hurts them little less. those people do things, which they never regret and instead of feeling uncomfortable, their conscious gives them hundred reasons why. why they did so, why it was right and why there was no other way of doing it. the other kind of people are those whom you watch in a movie, who lie about something or do something wrong, but they cannot keep it inside, nor can they justify their acts or words. and you watch them and think 'don't don't say, it won't do any good - the main hero will be upset, they will split up, a tragedy will happen. but those people always say it, and in a moment you know what is best for them - clear conscious. i like this kind of people. because they spend time clearing their heart, spend time judging themselves and feeling sorry. not only in the movies but also in the real life. maybe all of us should spend some time everyday criticizing ourselves, realizing that we are not perfect and doubting our actions and words. it should make us better people in any way.
here is a song that i have been listening to while writing this post - it gives huge inspiration, hope it also inspires you for something good today
this song comes to my mind every time i think about my aka. she is now high up in the sky on her way to new life and new beginnings just like a butterfly, that is why i dedicate my today's post to her
when you start a new life in a different country it is always pretty hard, especially when you are leaving such a huge number of friends, family and people who love you behind. but the thing is that such people as aka are real-life magnets. they attract people around them with the speed of sound, no matter in what city or country they are. and this happens not without a reason.
i have never seen so many great qualities combined in one person in such huge amounts. the thing i love most about aka is that she is true. she is who she is, without playing or pretending. you know when she does something she doesn't mean anything else or think about something different - she does what her heart tells her, says what she feels and acts to her conscious. she is a great friend. i don't even know if she has any limits when something is needed for her friend. absolutely opposite to selfish, she is most giving and caring when it comes to helping a friend. and she is the queen of emotions. a real-life firework and a real-life battery who fires up everything around her.
she knows how much i'm going to miss her, miss talking and laughing with her every day but she also knows how happy i am for her new beginnings, all the success and happiness that are now in front of her
and i'm from my part will be there for her when she needs me
me and bossa nova are inseparable. and so are all the variations of music in bossa nova. that is why i fell in love with disney songs resung in bossa nova as soon as i heard them for the first time. put on the playlist, will you recognize all those familiar songs in new sounding?