one thing that fascinates me is how small tbilisi is. on the one hand for a person who has lived in a huge megalopolis all his life it should be pretty difficult to get used to the scale of one small capital. but the truth is that i absolutely adore it. i adore meeting people in the streets, saying hi to several people while walking down one and the same avenue and all the emotions those hi's bring.

you may argue the comfort of one small city, here the gossips and bad news spread quickly, everyone knows everything, but just as the bad news spread, so do the good news, everyone is there for you and you know you are never alone in anything. the rule of six handshakes turns into two handshakes here. and those handshakes makes life easy and comfortable.
i love my city. it is full of warmth. full of smiles and full of kindness. and if you don't agree, i'm ready to argue with lots and lots of examples.
leaving you with one of my favourite georgians songs, realizing that i am not posting georgian music quite often, which i promise to improve.