Saturday, July 21, 2012


i want you to meet mariam - the best proof of the fact that georgia's new generation is supercool. she wears her mother's vintage dresses, takes amazing pictures with her film camera, listens to bob dylan, rides old bike with basket full of flowers, walks with balloons in the streets, loves her friends, meeting new people - new interesting people-, reading great books, eating in nice cafes, travelling and most importantly - dreaming. dreaming about her future with lots of new cities, emotions and people in it. and it's not just dreaming - it's planning, because she definitely knows where she wants to be and what she wants to do. 

and oh! she is super caring. she is full of surprises and ideas on how to make people happy. and i am one of the examples of that.

what else does she need to be a dreamgirl?


  1. Hi Ninucella, this sounds fantastic. Does Mariam have a blog?

    I am from Georgia too. Come check out my blog if you wish:

    I've been leaving in the US for 18 yrs now.

  2. p.s. I'm your newest follower ;)

  3. hi ;) nice to hear that
    no she doesn't, but its a good idea, she should definitely have one. ill let her know :)

  4. Maya, here's link to her blog -
